Synesthesia and NLP Exercises: NLP Article

This article is for you, if you've ever had difficulty with NLP exercises, &/or, with experiencing Synesthesia.

Hi [name omitted]!

You ask very good questions, by the way, in your email. Not everyone "just gets" all this naturally. As far as they consciously know.

I've worked with people who tell me they don't visualize at all. And then they begin to visualize more. Its not that I gave them skills they didn't already have. Its that they defined visualizing differently than some others did, and they hadn't consciously exercised the process, though they knew it happened occasionally by itself.

With visualization, one person said they just couldn't visualize things on the back of their eyelids.

So I took them out to a hillside in the daylight, where we could see the horizon. And I said, "stare at that tiny tree on the horizon for a minute or so." What happened was that the rods and cones in the retina got conditioned to the dark and light areas of the image in our field of vision, and when we then closed our eyes, in the back of our eyelids, we saw a distinctly contrasted horizontal EDGE.

We did it again, this time holding our heads sideways. This time we saw a vertical edge.

Then I took the person inside an outdoor building, where we were able to look outward, through a window in the concrete... and we saw a roughly square shape our eyelids...

Now this basic skill (which our retinas already do chemically) is a pre-cursor to knowing we can imagine the same things without requiring the adjustment in fluids in our retinal rods & cones!

Because with both the above skills... the ability to imagine lines.... and the ability to imagine corners... comes the ability to make all kinds of shapes, doesn't it?

I don't know if the above makes an increasing amount of sense to you, but whether it does now or will soon, think about this... do you give texture, feel, taste to emotions?

Well, you already do this in the reverse order, naturally. Did you ever walk past a bakery... smelling fresh baked bread, and remembered a time as a little child where you were with a close relative, or grandparent, as you baked cookies or bread? And maybe (hopefully) it's a happy memory...? The emotions are attached to the memory, which was triggered by the smell of the bread, in that example. We do this kind of thing naturally, do we not? I mean, its just one example. You can come up with one similar, if this didn't match a memory, can you not?

So knowing the mechanism, you can begin to play with these things... like... thinking of being with that relative... and amplifying the memory of what that room smelled like! And you may begin to smell a little of it RIGHT NOW, as you go back to the memory!

In this case we're not inventing new smells, but start with the basics, which is to learn how to amplify the experience of certain vividly-sensory-rich memories... by going more deeply into the other details if the memory. This is a pre-cursor skill to the skill of "inventing" smells or textures -- being associated with feelings...

The more you can cross-correlate these sensory elements, the more you will find yourself accelerating your learning strategies... absorbing these NLP skills... and approaching further genius... Our brains are built to perform maximally with intense cross-representational-system or cross-sensory-system correlation...!

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