Learning NLP for Presenting, Training, & Public Speaking

The Outdated "cookie-cutter" Typical NLP path is:
Practitioner ⇒ Master Practitioner ⇒ Trainers Training

That's Obsolete for Today's needs.

Are YOU "one-size-fits-all?"
Design a custom Goal-Driven path.
Click on the area that interests you, most!

NLP for PresentingNLP for Business and SalesNLP for Changework and HypnosisNLP for RelatingNLP for Success

One thing is certain. You're here at this website, exploring and learning NLP, for your own reasons. If it hasn't already become obvious from visiting this and other NLP Training websites, there is no one single recommended path, or purpose, for learning NLP.

Over thirty years ago, NLP was developed primarily for and amongst an eclectic group of therapists, for rapid and profoundly powerful changework. Since the early days it has grown dramatically to encompass a vast range of extraordinary human skills, and is now used by hundreds of thousands of people across the globe. Perhaps millions.

There are many, many different reasons to learn NLP. Thus there should be many different ways/paths to learn NLP. How do you begin to choose where to start? Or what's next? Which trainers are best for you? Which home study materials? Hopefully this page will provide a recommended framework for further development, whatever your background, whatever your reasons for learning NLP, and however far you want to go with NLP learning.

Learning NLP comes from Hundreds of Reasons;
the Mastery InSight Institute can best serve you
in these Five Key Areas of Development.

NLP for PresentingNLP for Business and SalesNLP for Changework and HypnosisNLP for RelatingNLP for Success