NLP Training - At the Mastery InSight Institute, and in general.
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What is NLP Training all about?
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How does NLP Training differ from other kinds of soft-skills training?
Most soft-skills trainers who've learned their skills in traditional corporate training contexts are not trained or gifted in accelerated learning strategies. This is because they've often been held back by traditional methods of presenting and measuring skills/knowledge/retention. When you're being tested by people who don't know how to train well (let alone test well), you're essentially crippled. So most soft skills training out there is either too slow, or too simple, or too "canned" for people to gain any generative improvement. They're stuck in linear improvement, if that.
Most soft-skills trainers use the typical "tell 'em what you're gonna tell 'em, tell 'em, then tell 'em what you told 'em" model of training. This is ancient history. Great 30-40 years ago, still the industry standard, but no one ever called the industry standard cutting edge.
NLP Training, by contrast, keeps the issue of chunking as relevant for choosing how to deliver and package information for easy access later, and maximum retention/usage. In other words, if you want the information to be able to come out later on, when we need it most, a great deal of thought has to be put in... to how the information goes in, the first time. How it's organized, and chunked, and communicated... are all extremely relevant points. NLP Trainers are trained in these advanced information packaging methods.
For one other example, NLP Trainers are also trained in the art of shifting an audience's attention from "internally framed" to "externally framed." These are an example of many cognitive preferences people have in their minds, and if they're not respected, it makes the difference between information that we absorb... and information we ignore. We think that's kind of important to keep in mind. Most soft-skills trainers... will never even know about these distinctions in an audience member's mind, let alone know how to affect/change them.
Inbox Insights
- Recently, on social media, an NLP Practitioner asked a question about a client who reported having a phobia, and with whom he used the NLP Fast Phobia Cure, which may have partly worked, but it came back a few days later?
- Knowledge Engineering (& Belief Craft) have evolved, into GeniusMapping™
- As of September 2020, we're in the process of moving from Tampa, Florida, to the Youngstown Ohio area. Currently, during the Coronavirus era, we're mostly focusing on Zoom-based Coaching, and aligning resources to run online courses.
- How "Civil Engineering" totally reframes the word "Stress," redefines the phrase "Stress Management," and leads us to embrace Stress!
- Many NLP Practitioners are more sloppy with their thinking patterns, than they'd like to admit, or... would even notice.
- Watch NLP Co-Founder Richard Bandler use NLP to eliminate Michael Strahan's phobic response to snakes -- in minutes (with Kelly Ripa bringing over a BIG snake at the end to test Michael's response). Spoiler alert: It worked ridiculously well.
- No matter what skill you want to learn, no matter what fears or concerns or hesitation you may have, there are and will always be a wide range of approaches, to learning that skill. It's important to keep that in mind when making learning choices.
- Many more famous people have been trained in Ericksonian (indirect) Hypnosis and NLP than you might guess. There are certainly far more who have strong interests here than have publically admitted so.
- On January 1, 2015, Jonathan Altfeld and 20 other co-authors released a digital book entitled "Creating Business Growth."
- What are the Four Stages of Learning?
- William BarronBusiness Life Coach, Creating InSight, United KingdomAttended Course : Knowledge Engineering
I am using your K.E. all the time with my Business Development Coaching. The first time was over the telephone with a client. She was in London and I was in Derby. She had a challenge with a customer and wanted a different way of handling him and a new project but was stuck. I explained the process started it off ... If Then Means ... faxed the start to her and then she picked up the process and by the end of the session we had worked it back and she had a better idea of what was involved and later that week emailed me with the news that she had sorted it all out. Another client was having trouble deciding on a similar situation but did not know why he was holding back on a new venture, especially as he had been made redundant and it uncovered huge amounts of stuff in his life that he hadn't told anybody before and now we are looking at that before he even considers the new business venture. Finally the last time was a client who wants to get out of a business investment, which then allowed us to take the result and work back with all the various scenarios on parallel Time Scales that showed what he needed to do, which he found extremely valuable. Along with Dilts' Logical Levels, visualization, Mind Mapping and EQ, K.E. has got to be one of the most useful things that I have learnt in the past four years. Many thanks. - Michael RoachCoach, London, UKAttended Course : Belief Craft MP3 Set
"Jonathan & Doug together make a winning team putting a new & exciting spin on how to be successful using sleight of mouth. You'll find in just a few days, your abilities & understandings of how you can use the language patterns of sleight of mouth confidently & covertly in everyday communication increasing by leaps & bounds. Even more you'll be able to target with precision your communication to achieve the outcomes you want. Take the next steps in enhancing your influence & persuasion skills now, attend Belief Craft. I was thoroughly entertained & entranced by the dynamic duo of Jonathan & Doug, both masters in their ability to train, & check that we as delegates were mastering the skills, & able to put into use the ability to craft other people beliefs, & even better we got to update our own. I thoroughly recommend this training for anyone who wants to be more successful in elegantly using the the patterns of Sleight of Mouth & knowing the appropriate contexts to use them in." - Paul SimsPersonal and Business Coach, Nottingham, UKBought Audio : Finding Your Irresistible Voice
So, an 'irresistible voice,' hey? Sounds good, and so will your voice, if you listen to, and more importantly, do the exercises on this set. Over the course of the CD's Jonathan Altfeld takes the listener through a series of precise, progressive exercises, focusing on various aspects of the human voice from how to use your mouth, tone, rhythm, using tonality, and how to use breathing effectively when speaking. Simple exercises, powerful results. It's a great set, and I found that by using the CD's and practising with the exercises, I was able to generate a voice that not only sounded nice, it felt nice as well. Not only do I sound more melodious, more rhythmic, and that people seem to want to listen to me more, but I'm more aware of a different internal state. By focusing on developing my voice, I have become aware of a more persuasive state, where there's less mental chatter and more eloquent, persuasive verbal delivery. By concentrating on developing the physiology of an irresistible voice, you can also develop a state of powerful persuasion, which is a very big bonus!
2003 - Claudio SennhauserDemo Coach and Author of "Giving Memorable Product Demos", ThailandBought Audio : Finding Your Irresistible Voice
Your 'Finding Your Irresistible Voice' 2-CD set [...] really gives me the tools & knowledge to IMPROVE my voice... no matter what level. Just learning about how to develop a dual-tone voice is worth the money for the whole set! I especially like your dynamic presentation of the material - your good mood really comes through.... A definite must in the library of any NLP student! - James TsakalosNLP Trainer, Developing Magic, Melbourne, AustraliaPersonal :
Jonathan? He's very good. It's as simple as that. I would be willing to leave my students in his hands, and that puts him in the company of maybe two or three other trainers who share that much of my respect. This is a guy who looks after every one of his students, works hard, has plenty of fun along the way and makes sure that everybody else does too. And he knows his stuff. From a student's point of view, this means that you're getting someone with top-notch skills and expertise. And from another NLP trainer's point of view - oooh baby! See, everyone knows that expertise in the nuts and bolts of NLP training will get you good results, and many trainers just stop there. But some of us aren't satisfied with nuts and bolts. Some of us want more. Because deep down, we know that there's technical skill, and then there's artistry! And this guy is an artist. As another trainer, it's an absolute joy to watch Jonathan weaving his magic. It's very easy to see that he loves what he does, and he loves doing it well. The number of NLP trainers that I endorse without reservation can be counted on the fingers of one hand (in fact, I could count them and still have room to spare for a couple of finger puppets). Jonathan is one of those trainers. If you have a chance to enroll in one of his seminars then you have a fantastic opportunity to experience quality NLP training with one of the best and most accessible trainers you're likely to find. My advice? Make the most of the opportunity - you'll have a great time, you'll learn a lot more than you think, and you'll develop some fantastic skills without even realising it until you notice yourself using them to great effect long after the course is over. - Michael BealeNLP Trainer, PPI, Milton Keynes, UKAttended Course : Knowledge Engineering
I can throroughly recommend this course for anyone who is interested in developing their skills in modelling excellent performance, developing opportunities or solving problems. The skills apply equally well to concepts at work as well as to personal issues. In addition the relatively small numbers helped create an exceptionally positive atmosphere and enabled excellent individual feedback.
http://www.ppimk.com2000 - Bob DillonSeminar Leader, VermontAttended Course : Speaking Ingeniously
No matter where you perceive your skill level, there is always more. Jonathan not only cuts diamonds, he polishes them, and adds more facets."
2002 - Michael LovasConsultant, Author, Speaker, About People, Spokane, WAAttended Course : Speaking Ingeniously
"With considerable experience giving keynotes, I thought I was very good on stage. The new skills & confidence that Jonathan has guided into my mind make my previous level of professionalism pale and insignificant by comparison. This class is the best preparation for public speaking that I have ever seen, heard of, or experienced." - David T.Hypnotherapist & NLP Master Practitioner, London, UKAttended Course : NLP Skills-Builders (course)
Jonathan is truly one of the greats in NLP. Kind, warm-hearted, & great fun to work with. Most excellent.
1999 - Matthew NewnhamChange Management Consultant, Edinburgh, UKAttended Course :
From my perspective, context and meaning are, if not everything, a very big slice of the cake. Jonathan Altfeld's 'Knowledge Engineering' has provided me with the tools and understanding to create contextual maps of any problem, with cause, effect AND meaning. This approach is very powerful, and allowed me to create breakthrough strategies immediately, with clarity and certainty of purpose. Beyond this, Jonathan is exceptionally wise and articulate about NLP and how to use it to effect meaningful, lasting change. He is also very approachable and generous, and a pleasure to work with.