"Own the Interview" NLP Workshop
"Interviewing" Causes Panic in most people, understandably! Employers worry about Selecting the Wrong Person. Candidates worry about Bad Impressions. Interviews may be the Ultimate Opportunity to Use NLP... to OWN the Interview Completely!
Our 2-Day Course Trains Profound Skills YOU NEED to Know... to Gain Confidence, Improve Questions, Ace Answers, Create Awesome Impressions, and Build Unshakeable Connections... Whichever Side of the Table You're On!
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Dear Corporate Mercenary,
Or perhaps you're more of a Corporate Swashbuckler, or, a Corporate Soldier, or a Corporate Fortune-Hunter. Regardless of which of these descriptions best suit you... you've been on interviews, you'll likely go on more before you retire, and you may have to conduct interviews where other people's success or failure will reflect back on you.
Yet, regardless of your level of education, chances are nobody ever taught you how to ace interviews. So perhaps you've experienced some of the following worries:
Interviewers regularly worry about:
- Hiring the wrong person, and being blamed for it
- Hiring someone who starts out great and then shows major flaws that should have been identified earlier, and being blamed for it
- Not knowing how to find out ample hidden information and properly vet or question resume details
- Asking the wrong (or less useful) questions that won't actually profile or find the perfect candidate
- Interviewing a candidate with better salary negotiation skills, and giving away too much.
- Being outvoted by other members of a hiring committee
Interviewees regularly worry about:
- Connecting poorly with the Interviewer(s), or making a poor impression
- Trying to find the right balance of showing their personality
- Not wanting to offend an interviewer by saying the wrong things
- Coming across with low confidence
- Not sufficiently believing in themselves, and then having interviewers pick up on that.
- Not Knowing the best Questions to ask, and consequently, leaving afterwards without critical information
- Failing to Optimize their Negotiating Position, and then potentially receiving too low an offer.
Our students regularly report to us how profoundly effective they've been during interviews.
NLP works so extraordinarily well in interviews, on both sides of the table. These skills are incredible for people reading, for evaluating the dynamics of interpersonal communication, for emotional state management, and for influential communication skills.
Not everyone has the time to take a 10-day NLP Practitioner course to acquire a complete and more general NLP skillset. And in our opinion, that's the minimum amount of time you'd need, to become good enough at these skills in order to apply them anywhere and everywhere. But if you wanted to use NLP to master a single area of skills, like interviewing, you can do so much faster than 10 days.
So you could, if you needed to... hire an interview coach, to help you with each major interview you face. And that will get you extraordinary results, as powerful as a Practitioner or Master Practitioner course. Because a coach can target their work to exactly what you need, often in just a few hours.
But... wouldn't it be amazing if you could attend a focused 2-day course, to learn just the NLP you'd need to learn, to become amazing at either giving or going on any and every interview in the future?
"Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime."
Now you can learn to confidently fish... for the perfect employers or candidates. But I don't want you to just take my word for it. Listen to what Jim had to say. Jim came for 2.5 hours of help, in advance of a critical interview he'd managed to line up.
Meet Jim T. Here's how I helped Jim successfully ace an interview, get a $114,000 job with a whopping 60% increase in take-home pay, all moving expenses paid.
Before I met him, Jim was working as an IT Security Manager, living in Arlington VA (across the Potomac river from Washington DC). He didn't have time in his schedule for a long workshop. He'd been reading about NLP, been interested for some time, and done some home-study. But when he called me, he was in worry mode, because what he wanted and needed most was targeted help with a particular problem. Jim was in transition, long past ready for a step up.
Amazingly, Jim had just received an outrageous opportunity for what he saw as 'the interview to end all interviews.' A long shot... for a job he knew he would excel at. Within the same company he currently worked for, but in another locale, and in another department. He correctly viewed the politics involved as a minefield. To say he was stressed... would be a huge understatement. To say he had self-doubt about his interviewing skills, would be a gentle description. He badly needed help preparing for this interview.
So Jim didn't wait for my next visit to DC. He came direct to me in Pennsylvania for 1-on-1 coaching back in 2011. Here is the sequence of his emails with me, before the interview, immediately after the interview, then a week beyond, then recently in December 2013.
When Jim visited with me in 2011, we worked together for just 2.5 hours. Amongst other things, we...
- Explored beliefs surrounding deservability and readiness -- eliminated limiting ones, built up positive ones.
- Helped manage emotional states during interviews -- he'd actually been coming across too energetically, while feeling doubt. The mixed state was polluting the interviewer's perceptions.
- Prepared visualizations to help become rock-solid-ready for walking in the door and owning the interview.
- Tested verbal mirroring skills, and gave additional rapport techniques for building rapid connections with his interviewers
- Strategized through the most difficult anticipated challenges, and gave him both strategies AND language patterns to completely turn those stressful moments into resourceful opportunities.
- Made the interview not about him being interviewed, but about interviewing the new manager, department, and hiring company. A complicated, but essential ingredient of success for any applicant.
- Helped plan for the inevitable discussion over compensation, if it got that far, and gave him several methods of making it clear what he was worth, and how he knew what he was worth.
After 2.5 hours of coaching, Jim was beyond excited, and felt ready to conquer the interview.
Jim's not my Only "Interviews" Coaching Client or student.
There are and have been many others who wanted coaching for interviews they were about to take. Sometimes they come to me for several hours of general coaching to prepare mentally for a whole series of interviews. Sometimes this has been while still employed elsewhere, sometimes after being laid off or quitting of their own accord. Sometimes they need a major career transition, sometimes a lateral move, sometimes a major step up.
There have also been companies that needed help preparing for interviews. Sometimes this is due to a new manager never having interviewed candidates before, and feeling distraught over how to give a great interview. Sometimes a company has had bad luck in the past hiring all the wrong people, and need to re-think their interviewing process, so that they learn to ask different questions, and sort for different qualities or even hidden positive or negative signs. Sometimes this even involves profiling ideal candidates for a given position, and then designing an interview process that sorts for, and even tests for, the qualities held by people fitting that specific profile.
One Company Needed a Total Interviewing Overhaul.
Many companies have trouble figuring out why they're not hiring the right people. It's usually a combination of many things. Such was the case with a major Ohio franchise of a National Real Estate agency. The owners and trainers for the office kept hiring people whom they repeatedly would refer to as "losers".
Their biggest problem was thinking of people as either winners or losers, instead of people with varying degrees of qualities and skills that could be more or less well suited for the job in question. But they had many other big problems to face as well. These owners had no idea how much they themselves were polluting the process. Providing that feedback can be a little like "tough love!"
When I wrote down specific questions I wanted them to ask mock-candidates, and told them to ask those questions in their own words, I privately video-recorded each of them alone in a room, asking those questions of me. Then I showed the results of all of these interviews to the entire owner-manager team. The results differed significantly. Each was polluting the interview process by asking for, essentially, carbon copies of themselves. They had never profiled the ideal candidate, decided on the overall set of qualities required, and then figured out together what needed to be asked, in order to test for those qualities.
From that point, we created a profile of the ideal candidates, determined what qualities were requirements, and what qualities were desireable but not required, and then created an interview process that would test for these qualities, and an evaluation or measurement system that enabled more than one interviewer to verify when candidates met the criteria desired.
The result was initially a higher cost, but over time, a huge increase in ROI. They experienced a 23% increase in the number of interviews held, a 47% increase in rejection rate. That was the cost. But on the flip side, they also experienced a 72% increase in employee retention (over a 12 month period). More importantly, the agency's revenues over the next year increased by 17%, and the year after, 112%.
Biggest lesson learned: You can be amazing at your particular expertise, and still have next-to-useless interviewing skills. Without our training, interviewing can be as much a gamble as betting on a horse race. We take the gambling out of the equation.
How can the needs of both Interviewers AND Interviewees... be met by just one course?
Flip this question inside-out! We would ask the opposite: "how can the needs of either interviewers OR interviewees... be remotely met by a course that only covers one side of the table?" Then you're only attending a presentation, which won't guarantee building new skills and awareness into your muscle memory.
If you were just attending a 'presentation' on Interviewing, you would only want the presentation covering one side of the interview table. But "OWN the Interview" is not just a presentation. This is a training course. You will leave with measurable skills, with profound experiential insights, and you will be better prepared by the end of the weekend for tackling any interview.
To accomplish this valuable goal, of ensuring not just your competence but your excellence... we need to create learning opportunities, and discovery experiences. We do this through very unusual instruction techniques, followed by unique role-playing exercises, followed by group discussion. In order to maximize the value of this process, we need to have both interviewers and interviewees in the room. It's essential. And then you reverse the roles, so that you build in an appreciation for the other side of the table.
In NLP we call this developing multiple perceptual positions. And this goes way beyond just "empathy". This method teaches you how to better appreciate different perspectives, and while primarily teaching you how to manage interviews with confidence, it has the secondary benefit of indirectly enabling you to become more flexible, on the fly. Our trainings are LOADED, with both conscious AND other-than-conscious training techniques and experience.
Add Confident Interviewing to your Professional Skillset. Why leave Future Interviews to Chance?
I can't wait to share with you years worth of secrets about how to ace any interview, from either side of the table. I've been asked endless questions about how to apply NLP to this specific moment in a conversation, or that specific turning point in an interview, such that... I've amassed vast knowledge of how to Own the Interview. And you can either come for coaching, or for this 2-day course with 14 hours of training.
If you came to me for 14 hours of Private Coaching, at my current rate, it would cost $4200. And if you only came to me for the amount of time Jim T. asked for... it would cost $750... nearly double the tuition investment for this 2-day course.
Join me at "Own the Interview" in February 2014 in NYC, or in May 2014 in San Francisco. Your tuition is just $395... that is, if you can get one of the only 20 open seats for these courses.
Jonathan Altfeld
Mastery InSight Institute
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We're committed to delivering far more value to you than you pay in tuition. And we're confident enough in our ability to do that for anyone, to offer you this guarantee: If you're not 100% satisfied that this seminar program truly and measurably helps you to conduct or attend interviews with greater ease, confidence, charisma, effectiveness and more... simply let us know by or during lunch on the first day, and we'll refund your US$ tuition paid (less a 4% admin fee). More info is shown on our policies page.
Author: Jonathan Altfeld