Belief Craft: Belief Systems Mapping, & Targeted Belief Change - Seminar
Here's a secret way to laser in on your client's hidden decision strategies, hot buttons that get them to buy, compelling inner motivations and...
These Ground-Breaking Techniques Will
Make You Absolutely Unstoppable in Sales,
Cause You to be More Powerful & Compelling in Negotiation,
and Help You to Covertly Influence People to Make Better Decisions.

"A seminar that is designed to deliver, and then delivers, the fastest, most effective way to identify and change beliefs."
- Michael Vanderdonk, IT Consultant & NLP Trainer, Sydney Australia
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Dear NLP Enthusiast,
My name is John Schertzer, and I've been a long-time student of NLP. I just discovered that I've been missing some critical skills to understand how others think and where their mental pivot points are for changing their minds. You're about to discover a new, proven blend to:
![]() | Help move potential clients & sales prospects to CLOSING THE DEAL in such a way that they'll be permanently glad they did it. Not one professional in a thousand knows these secrets, and this is a rapid way to engorge your bank account. |
![]() | Uncover instant areas of agreement between brutally battling sides; watch disagreements melt when you apply this powerful approach. |
![]() | Rapidly influence your coaching or therapy clients to make powerful changes; Get them to carry out your instructions or suggestions without hesitation or resistance... and have them think it's fully their choice. |
![]() | Tap in to closely-held belief-changing strategies known only to a handful of insiders. You'll have these techniques ma, ready-to-unleash, by the conclusion of this training. |
![]() | Mysteriously convince romantic prospects why you actually ARE their type. Warning: you may be so flooded with opportunities, remember to exercise responsibility and discretion. |
![]() | Skyrocket your referral rate with secrets practically stolen from a Dentist who locked his doors, unlisted his phones, turned away customers and exploded his client list. You already have what it takes to implement this strategy once you discover his wacky secret. |
![]() | Amaze your Peers with your mystifying and high-impact Verbal Wizardry; Yes, your verbal magic tricks will sound cool, but more importantly, your friends will 'wake up' with changed minds. |
![]() | Clone the highest performing member of your team, and reproduce the excellence, expertise and results across the entire team. This is the missing ingredient that makes NLP Modeling work simply and effectively. |
A Life-Transforming Process
NLP has made a powerful and positive impact on my life, and I have attended trainings with amongst the best and most innovative trainers. Now, I'm bursting with excitement over the latest development in the NLP world, and I'm eager to share it with you.
I've been profoundly impacted by two specific 'systems' taught by NLP trainers. One of these systems taught me how to unravel other people's belief & decision systems, and the other system taught me how to change people's beliefs. I'm astounded that these two systems weren't brought together until now...
Two of the foremost trainers of NLP merged their area of expertise. They unleashed their one-two punch in a training in London in 2004. This is news, folks. Big news! Because...
You Can Send Your Skills Through the Roof!
The primary reason I'm writing this letter with this much passion is because I've discovered beliefs are at the heart of everything we do. The wrong belief can cripple our productivity, and the right belief can send it through the roof. Negative beliefs make us hesitate, and positive beliefs make us soar. Beliefs hold the power to hinder, or enable greatness. Most of our future ability to achieve what we want... is all tied to beliefs.
I have sought out, encouraged, and pleaded for the two NLP Trainers who know the most about unraveling and changing beliefs to come together, for a unique training.
![]() | Roger Bannister's Beliefs Broke the 4-Minute Wall In 1954, Roger Bannister broke the world record and ran the mile in under 4 minutes. In the history of the human species, no one had done it. It had been considered impossible.... Not possible by a human body. Within a year of Bannister's record, 37 more runners broke the 4 minute barrier. A year later another 300 broke it. The powerful magic that made it possible: BELIEFS |
![]() | Greg Louganis' Beliefs Turn Failure to Perfection When Greg Louganis injured his head at the qualifying rounds of the 1988 Seoul Olympics, he believed he couldn't go on in the competition. His teammates all said he could do it, he could still win the Gold, but none of that moved him. Then his coach said "If you do & fail, you'll be disappointed, but you'll have self-respect. If you don't -- you'll never forgive yourself for the rest of your life. In response to that, Greg steeled himself, showed up for his formal competition, and went on to win another Gold Medal, and become the first person to successfully defend his Olympic springboard title. The powerful magic that made it possible: BELIEFS |
![]() | Columbus Believed the World Was Round... Everyone used to believe the world was flat. And that prevented exploration for thousands of years. Until Christopher Columbus believed differently than everyone else. One man reached inside and grasped the Power of his Belief -- as his only real motivation for risking his life and reputation... and proved the entire world wrong. The powerful magic that made that (and this upcoming seminar) possible: BELIEFS |
![]() | What Many People Have in Common With a Circus Elephant When Circus Elephants are babies, they're shackled with ankle-clasps, and chained to a post. Their range of movement was then limited to the length of the chain from the post. When they're fully grown and have more than ample power to break the chains that bind them, they never break free. They become limited not by the power of the chain, but by the power of their beliefs, by the psychological chains that they'd come to accept as real. In what ways are some of your own choices and behaviors reminiscent of these baby elephants? We will give you the tools to break those self-imposed chains, for yourself and for others. If you think you have anything in common with Circus Elephants, you're in for an incredibly liberating, life-changing experience. |
Doug O'Brien & Jonathan Altfeld have teamed up
to break new ground in NLP
They aren't the originators of the field, nor are they amongst the earliest wave of trainers in NLP from back in the 1970's. However, in my opinion, having trained with them both, they're easily amongst the best. Again, in my opinion, outside of possibly the two original founders, I think you'd be hard-pressed to find a more personable and innovative pair of NLP trainers, anywhere. These two guys are committed to excellence both for themselves and for their students & customers.
What they have in common is that they trained the first run-through of their 'hybrid' workshop in London back in June 2004, that brings together two different systems of thinking, in an amazing new way -- which many of their students have been calling for. And indeed, you're going to read some consistently phenomenal student reviews below. Here are just a few reviews to get you started:

"Out of the many seminars and trainings I've participated in over the years, Belief Craft tops them all. If you make the decision to take this course, you'll not only get everything you wanted, but also things you never imagined."
- Jim Black, Philadelphia, PA
Outrageously Improve your Results
With Effortless Verbal Skills
Doug O'Brien is a long-time Trainer of NLP and Ericksonian Hypnotherapy, and is based and runs workshops primarily in New York City. In addition, Doug is known for having been one of the top trainers on Anthony Robbins' training team some years ago.
One of the most popular areas of interest in NLP is "Sleight of Mouth," which teaches 16 language patterns that you can use anytime to change people's minds about things that aren't serving them very well. Doug O'Brien is the author of an immensely popular 2-CD set and workbook on "Sleight of Mouth" patterns. I thoroughly recommend them, and I use these patterns virtually daily.
Unravel Beliefs Conversationally
and Install More Effective Patterns
Jonathan Altfeld is a trainer of NLP who began his training career in 1997, and rapidly built up a fan base around the world, due to his innovative style and amazing prior career in the Artificial Intelligence field.
One of Jonathan's most unique developments is his course on "Knowledge Engineering" - which teaches students a new & unique approach to modeling decision strategies, and unconscious beliefs. In the field of NLP which emphasizes the value of modeling human subjectivity, not much of that seems to be going on. Strangely absent are hordes of NLP modelers who can truly and effectively model excellence, everywhere around them. Whereas Jonathan's students master these skills in a very short period of time.
Jonathan's popular home-study course has produced rave reviews. The Knowledge Engineering model has already changed my life powerfully, and I'll tell you more about that, shortly.
I have sees the power of Knowledge Engineering in action, and I have personal evidence of its value and effectiveness.
How Jonathan Permanently Ended my Brother's
Lifelong Fear of Public Speaking With
a Laugh-Inducing, Mind-Zapping, 1-Liner...
It happened so fast, I'm still amazed. I kid you not; I was there, I saw it happen, I know what took place, I listened to everything that Jonathan and my brother said to each other, I watched for all kinds of nonverbal signals, but I was totally unprepared for how fast, how pervasive, and how targeted Jonathan's final one-liner would be. It was like one of those magical moments hinted at by all the NLP & Ericksonian literature, which I'd never seen happen quite that fast, in person.
Jonathan spent 5 brief minutes interviewing my brother about his fear of public speaking. Then Jonathan turned to the rest of us and asked us to pay closer attention. Then he turned to my brother, asked him a single question, and we watched as my brother started... well... oscillating... a little bit. Looking left & right, tilting his head this way & that... then finally giggling in a state of confusion... and then outright laughter.
It was like watching the legendary Milton Erickson or NLP's founder Richard Bandler. Until Jonathan broke down what he did, we didn't have a clue how slick this model was. I knew I had to master these techniques. And when you've seen them in action, you'll want to add these to your arsenal.
![]() | "I came back from his training in Boston this past August and I was cooking! A few weeks after the training I did what many people said was my best poetry performance ever -- actually had people calling be up, asking me to email poems to them, and to put them on my mailing list (but I don't have a mailing list) -- and since then I've been a very useful coach to my friends, family and clients, helping them deal with emotional and mental obstacles, and make creative breakthroughs and achieve their goals. Jonathan sets a great example, and blasts through beliefs that are holding you back from being your best. But I'll let YOU find out how." |
There you have it -- these two amazing NLP Trainers have combined forces to produce an entirely new training, which they call...
Belief Craft: The Art & Science of Pervasive, Elegant, Powerful, and WELCOME Belief Change.
They've held more than 10 Belief Craft workshops starting in 2004, in London UK, & Orlando FL, Tampa FL, Burlington VT, Rockville MD, and NYC. And judging from the student reviews from their previous Belief Craft seminars, the NYC seminar will fill up. Here's a couple more Belief Craft reviews:
"Belief Craft is an exceptional course that has massively improved my modeling and change [-work] abilities. I would highly recommend it to anyone who wants to take their NLP and change skills to a new level."
- Tom O'Connor, Network Consultant, London, UK
"Jonathan and Doug work well together -- both are excellent NLP trainers. The material 'Belief Craft' is an order of magnitude more powerful than plain 'Sleight of Mouth.' Although I've suspected this for years and begged Jonathan to do it, he's now found a great training partner in Doug. Both offer a genuinely unique and much needed product in the NLP market!"
- David Gould, Therapist, Bristol, UK
Naturally, you'd want to know what you'd learn there, and what you'd be able to do better, and accomplish, afterwards. And I can't tell you about that, until you know a little more about what each of the two individual systems making up this course -- offers. So now I'll explain...
How "Knowledge Engineering," the 1st ½ of the
"Belief Craft" Course, Truly Reveals How People Tick.
Here's something that amazes me: In NLP, arguably the true core of the methodology is modeling subjective excellence. And yet, I don't see any other useful home-study courses out there that clearly teach how to model subjectivity. Why is that?
And yet - Jonathan arrived into the NLP world in 1997, from a prior career in Artificial Intelligence (AI), and synthesized a methodology that combines other methods of tracking human decision systems from the AI community, with NLP. The result is, well, quite simply, the result is the only useful home-study course I know of, that teaches modeling subjectivity -- let alone teaches working with belief systems in real-time. I'm expecting this model (including Jonathan's seminar and his home-study course) to take the NLP world by storm in the coming years.
Here are some of the core abilities you'll acquire by working with the Knowledge Engineering system:
- Eliciting Strategies:
Decision sequences, whether well-formed or not, whether clean or cyclical and never-ending -- all become instantly clear to KE practitioners. And that lets you drive someone through their strategy with ease -- or -- design more optimal ones for them. - Recognizing Patterns:
Over time, you'll start to notice why people make the same kinds of mistakes over & over again -- it usually boils down to poorly structured belief systems. And these kinds of patterns do emerge almost automatically, once your ears are more finely tuned... - Hearing Presuppositions:
Most people make poor guesses about other people's hidden intentions. Hidden intentions can't be kept hidden for long, from well-trained KE practitioners. When KE is properly done -- hidden intentions show up as "missing sections" of an elicited belief system that's already driving behavior. - Tracking Reasoning:
When you start to more accurately track how people process information, and in what sequence their beliefs force them to consider choices, you'll literally be tracking their minds, walking through their beliefs. This is immensely important for modeling expertise. And, incredibly helpful to those that need help making decisions. - Optimizing Expertise:
Most experts acquired their expertise slowly over many years. As a result, their logic may be highly accurate, but is usually not optimal, for teaching what they know to others in an optimal way. KE practitioners can streamline ANY areas of decision systems, and/or human knowledge. - Multiprocessing:
KE makes it amazingly clear just how much occurs in our minds concurrently. This discovery will help FREE your mind up to be more able to do what it already knows how to accomplish.
And, here's what several other people have to say about KE:
"Less than 5 hours after the end of Jonathan's KE course in London I'm visualising extensive and complex belief systems hidden within language - and keeping up a 'full time' conversation at the same time. Why is this useful? In the past I may have gotten to a strategy and thought 'I'm done' whereas now I hear and see the whole complex structure. Key decision points and` behaviours are emerging which are many times more complete, powerful and elegant than anything I would have arrived at previously through standard 'strategy elicitation'."
"Before today, I knew people who I thought were complex, now I know that they're no more complex than anyone else, they just hide their beliefs better. This means that I know that I can now choose to work with everybody rather than just the 'easy people'. I am now creating subtle and elegant interventions without thinking about it and I know how much that is going to benefit me more and more over time. And I had a great time too!"
- Peter Freeth, London, UK
"Your presentation of AI & Knowledge Engineering & how computer software systems can learn & decide was quite interesting. But using these models to then explore modelling in the NLP context was mind-blowing! It was really cool how well we were tracking beliefs by only the second day. [...] Not only could we track beliefs & language patterns "on the fly" but we could unravel their interconnections & their interactions conversationally. I thoroughly recommend your course to anyone who wants to improve their skills at tracking language patterns & modelling."
- Ted VanderNoot, London, UK
How "Sleight-of-Mouth," the second half of the
"Belief Craft" course, revealed how to
stay one step ahead of ANYONE.
Sleight of Mouth is a system designed specifically for disabling limiting beliefs, and zinging people's minds in much more useful directions. Sleight of Mouth works amazingly well, whether with therapeutic change work, negotiations, sales, or for that matter -- anytime the ability to communicate well and influence is at a premium.
It was modeled on the patterns of some real masters of communication. Robert Dilts coined the phrase "Sleight of Mouth" after observing/tracking Richard Bandler teaching it. Doug teaches it in a way that is succinct and easy to learn, and most of all, highly usable, by involving all sensory modes and wiring it right into your nervous system.
When you attend the Belief Craft seminar, Doug will give you a FREE copy of his Sleight of Mouth CD-set to every attendee of the Belief Craft workshop (or discount accordingly if you already own it).
Demonstrate Masterful Verbal Belief Change
When I attended Doug's Ericksonian Hypnosis training, I was pleased to discover that the Sleight of Mouth patterns had been hard-wired into me. It was almost as if the words had flashing neon lights all around them. I thought I'd been listening closely up til then but suddenly every word was crystalline.

An example of Doug's Conversational Ability to Stack Patterns...
And I know your intent is to protect yourself with your old behavior, but what you're really doing is holding yourself back from true security. (The "Intent" pattern)
And if you look at the bigger picture you'll see that that's true for your children in their lives and in their future, isn't it?" ("Changing Frame Size")
Because what we're really talking about here isn't whether or not your old pattern has worked, what we're talking about is how you can move on in your life and claim true security with indepence and freedom. And that's what you really want, don't you? ("Another Outcome")
And you know that, just like the sailor who charts their path to open waters, you will enjoy clear sailing from this day forward, won't you?" ("Metaphor")
Yes, "Sleight of Mouth" Taught Me How to
Change Minds effectively, but
There's an Even More Important Lesson Here...
The most important thing I learned from listening to Doug's "Sleight of Mouth" tapeset was the difference between PROCESS... and CONTENT. When people get into an argument about something, I guarantee you 99% of the time, its a disagreement over something specific, some CONTENT. Working at the process level goes RIGHT PAST people's CONSCIOUS ATTENTION, and all the way into their UNCONSCIOUS MINDS.
What all the Sleight-of-Mouth 'patterns' have in common is that they work at a process level. And that's how you'll always be a step ahead of everyone else. While someone else is arguing over the color of the tablecloths, you might be changing his/her mind unconsciously by changing your body physiology slowly from a rigid posture... to a more flexible one. That's an example of nonverbal process... underneath... verbal content. Most people don't pay any attention to the use of process language (or behavior). They're not trained to listen or watch or feel for it.
This gives you a sense of the power & usefulness of Sleight of Mouth alone. And with Knowledge Engineering, Sleight of Mouth will be vastly more valuable. Let's look more closely at why these two models are being fused together in the "Belief Craft" seminar!
How Belief Craft Produces Exponential Results...
I once had a coaching client who was a jazz musician and music teacher. When we first started working together he was working three days a week teaching music at a high school, and teaching piano for a music studio for much less than he deserved. He was also trying to finish his CD of original music. During the time we worked together, he opened his own studio, in which he worked for himself.
As his business began to expand he relied less on working for others, and actually hired other teachers to work for him. He also submitted his CD for a contest, sponsored by a NY City jazz radio station, and became one of eight finalists.
I remember one conversation we had, one among many that gravitated toward the same topic: after teaching long hours during the day, he often felt he didn't have the energy to find inspiration to work on composing the rest of the pieces for his recording. The conversation went something like the following. Also, you'll see the Knowledge Engineering notations with a blue background, and the Sleight of Mouth comments in Yellow.
How a Jazz Musician Instantly Rediscovered the Joy of Composing
"I just can't get myself inspired at that time, after such a day," he said. "Oh yeah, what's getting in your way?" I asked. "I'm too tired, and I compose better when I'm fresh." Basically, what he was saying, in KE terms, was IF I'm fresh THEN I compose well, and IF I'm not fresh THEN I don't. I inquired further. "And you're not fresh at night." "Not after teaching all day, I get tapped out." (IF I teach all day THEN I am not fresh at night). "Are there nights when you can get inspired?" I began looking for counter-examples. "Sometimes, but not after teaching," he replied. "But you've told me you've gone out and have had fun after you've been teaching all day, isn't that right?" "Yeah, but that's different." "Different, how?" "When I have to compose it's like work when I'm tired, but going out I can do what I please." He finally gave me the belief in the system I wanted to work with: IF I am tired THEN Composing is work), so I decided I hit him with a sleight of mouth that aimed at his model of the world and hierarchy of criteria, meaning what he believes to be true, and he values. "So you don't actually like to compose, is that what it is?" "But I do. No, it's not like that" He reaffirmed his values. I again challenged his criteria. I think of this as teasing his resources to the surface. "But you said when you go out you can do what you please, but that composing is like work. You said, it was something you had to do. Is that so? I mean, if it was something you really enjoyed doing, you'd be able to muster up just as much juice as when you go out and play, isn't that right?" "Well." That stopped him. When he realized that working on his composition was actually something that he enjoyed, and that in the past he was only thinking about it as another work assignment, he began to see how he could feel a whole lot differently about this experience. In fact, it became something he really began to revel in, especially after a hard day. |
Belief Craft Changes Your Life:

In the diagram above, this is what a Very Simple Map of a problem belief might look like, in KE notation. Each belief structure is represented by a 3-part shape cluster. And these Normalized Beliefs link up sequentially, only through time. We would use KE to map these out... then we would use Sleight of Mouth... to make "proposed adjustments" to someone's belief system. KE shows us exactly where to focus our changes; Sleight of Mouth gives us tools to make those changes.
More Information on How "Belief Craft"
Helps Create Solutions
Click on any of the following diagrams to see them in higher resolution; they'll open in a new window.
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![]() | "As a person who has never attended any NLP or KE Sessions before, I have found the whole experience useful to me and feel that I am going away with a wealth of knowledge I believe will guide me through many areas of my life. I am excited about attending more trainings in the future." |
"I have attended separate KE & [SoM] trainings in the past, Belief Craft is definitely more than the sum of its parts. Doug's way of training [SoM] is the best I have found; for the first time I now feel I 'get' the "why" as well as the "how" of [SoM]. On my NLP Trainer's Training, [SoM] was one of the areas people had the least recall of - both the 'how' and also when and why you would ever use it. Previous trainings of [SoM] I have attended by other trainers have not sufficiently demonstrated... etc. Jonathan gets better every time he trains KE - awesomely powerful and complex concepts are rendered easy to learn and apply in the real world. I can't wait to start trying out this new material (Belief Craft and/or KE on its own) to benefit myself and my clients."
- Andy Smith, NLP Trainer & Therapist, Manchester, UK
"Doug and Jonathan are a great double act and complement each other synergistically. I have had a number of 'a-ha' moments which, based on previous experience of Jonathan, will continue to happen. Great job, Guys! Thank you for putting this together and adding a powerful, immediately-useful dimension to my skillset."
- Andrew Eales, Hypnotherapist, London, UK
"Jonathan and Doug presented two seamless models with ease, which when they came together allowed amazing results in modeling belief systems. The power of this new enhanced hybrid model is already evident, after just a few days training. I'm excited about the application of this material in real world circumstances."
- Stuart Eggerton, Civil Engineer, England, UK
"I thoroughly enjoyed the training which has helped me to fill in a tremendously powerful area of skill in NLP, that I had previously avoided by thinking it was going to take too much effort to learn. Combining [SoM] with KE gives a context in which to precisely use language patterns."
- Anand Rao, London, UK
Why Belief Craft is So Effective:
Jonathan says, "If people learn to listen - well enough to track the larger belief systems, then, they can then use Sleight of Mouth skills to wire completely around a problem belief, without actually attacking the problem belief. Then you can change someone's mind without them feeling defensive about it, and sometimes, without them even knowing. That represents the most elegant use of Sleight of Mouth - possible."
When Jonathan first mentioned to me that he & Doug were considering training together, it boiled down to a simple equation. Combine one of the best new systems around for tracking beliefs and belief systems (Jonathan's Knowledge Engineering) with the best trainer of one of the best existing systems for reframing/changing beliefs (Doug O'Brien and Sleight of Mouth). He's mentioned to me several times since I met him in 2002, that he's long felt the Knowledge Engineering model would optimally be taught -- when joined with a Sleight-of-Mouth training.
Sounded immediately like a winner to me. Start with State-of-the-Art listening & subjective-modeling skills, and then add State-of-the-Art persuasion patterns in a way that connects up these two different skillsets - fully. Why no one has taught these two skills together before, mystifies me. Nothing else from traditional NLP even comes close. Judging from what the students at Belief Craft in London & Orlando wrote a few years ago, I can't wait for "Belief Craft" in Baltimore this June!!!
Experience Profound Changes:
"KE is pure Dynamite and when used with [SoM], the combination is explosive! The tools compliment each other so well, you'll find you can not only smash a nut with a hammer but also finely craft and cut and piece back together an issue or problem with the finesse of a skilled craftsman."
- Richard Campo, Project Manager, London, UK
"Belief Craft opens your eyes to what you already know, but didn't know how you know, as well as teaching excellent skills/tools in tracking beliefs and [SoM] persuasion techniques."
- Alex Dee, Investor Relations Consultant, London, UK
"Jonathan & Doug together make a winning team putting a new & exciting spin on how to be successful using sleight of mouth. You'll find in just a few days, your abilities & understandings of how you can use the language patterns of sleight of mouth confidently & covertly in everyday communication increasing by leaps & bounds. Even more you'll be able to target with precision your communication to achieve the outcomes you want. Take the next steps in enhancing your influence & persuasion skills now, attend Belief Craft. I was thoroughly entertained & entranced by the dynamic duo of Jonathan & Doug, both masters in their ability to train, & check that we as delegates were mastering the skills, & able to put into use the ability to craft other people beliefs, & even better we got to update our own. I thoroughly recommend this training for anyone who wants to be more successful in elegantly using the the patterns of Sleight of Mouth & knowing the appropriate contexts to use them in."
- Michael Roach, Coach, London, UK
"A truly wonderful inspiring and motivational four days, give yourself the best present that you could, and book this course -- prepare to be dazzled and amazed."
- Suresh Thapar, IT Consultant, London, UK
"If you want to find an easy way to model beliefs and use [SoM] effectively, do yourself a favour and consider this training."
- Jeff Goodwin, NLP Trainer & Coach, Edinburgh, Scotland
BUT... this Workshop ISN'T for Everyone, Only For
the Wizard-Candidate Who Wants MAD Skills.
There are indeed some people who are not well-suited to this event. First of all, if you're a seminar junkie who LOVES attending seminars with nonstop lectures or trancy stories, you might enjoy this workshop, but you likely WON'T experience all the skills and benefits I've spent a lot of time describing, above. This is the kind of workshop that requires a willingness to play and work with the material. You have to take (fun) steps to own it. If that doesn't scare you, you'll do really well with Belief Craft!
Second, if you're exclusively a touchy-feely kind of person who relies only on intuition and doesn't enjoy understanding & exploring reasons for how and why people behave the way they do, you might not be well-suited to this workshop. We map out human complexity in surprisingly simple ways, using a flexible system, and then we'll construct language with intention, to work with our results. If that doesn't turn you off, you'll do really well with Belief Craft!
Thirdly, if you plan on influencing people to do your bidding or will without considering what's important to them, you'd better stay home. And if intentions like this show up in the seminar, they'll be asked to leave. This stuff is POISON when done to attempt to hurt people or get them to do what you want, at their own unnecessary expense. Meanwhile, it's PURE MAGIC when done for everyone's benefit, and for all the right reasons. If you believe in helping others, in doing right by everyone AND experiencing value in return, you'll be an OPTIMAL student for Belief Craft!
Lastly, if you prefer your training courses to be Very Serious, or worse -- Presented in Outline Form... you'd better stay home. Jonathan & Doug are big believers in making seminar environments FUN, to optimize the learning experience. Also, they both teach using the discovery method and other accelerated learning systems, so while a clear OUTLINE of this workshop may elude you, the skills you acquire in these 3-extended-days WILL astound you and those closest to you, even immediately after the event. If this excites you, you're a prime candidate!
This Course is ONLY For Those Who Are Ready to Shed Limitations & Reach for ELEGANCE in Transforming Beliefs, Unraveling Belief Systems, & Modeling.
Doug & Jonathan took these two disparate models... traditional Sleight-of-Mouth, and cutting-edge Knowledge Engineering work, and have produced this new Hybrid seminar that makes Knowledge Engineering students vastly more persuasive, that makes Sleight of Mouth students vastly more elegant, covert, and effective, and that will take NLP students who don't know either system, and completely knock their socks off.
I don't know about you, but I already can't wait to attend this event.
Share with friends, circles, & followers.
This course is not currently scheduled, but check back regularly with our main Upcoming Events calendar page.