(Written in 1999) Thanks a lot for an excellent course - I learned a lot and was grateful for your openness in explaining the how behind the teaching as well as the course material. I really appreciated the 1-to-1 work, and enjoyed the SoM work immensely (more next time please!). Thanks for an... [click to read more]
Jamie Smart
Trainer, Entrepreneur, Salad, Leicester, UK
Attended Course : NLP Skills-Builders (course)
(Written in 1999) Thanks a lot for an excellent course - I learned a lot and was grateful for your openness in explaining the how behind the teaching as well as the course material. I really appreciated the 1-to-1 work, and enjoyed the SoM work immensely (more next time please!). Thanks for an excellent weekend, and I'll look forward to your next trip to the UK. Thanks & regards!