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Inbox Insights
- Recently, on social media, an NLP Practitioner asked a question about a client who reported having a phobia, and with whom he used the NLP Fast Phobia Cure, which may have partly worked, but it came back a few days later?
- Knowledge Engineering (& Belief Craft) have evolved, into GeniusMapping™
- As of September 2020, we're in the process of moving from Tampa, Florida, to the Youngstown Ohio area. Currently, during the Coronavirus era, we're mostly focusing on Zoom-based Coaching, and aligning resources to run online courses.
- How "Civil Engineering" totally reframes the word "Stress," redefines the phrase "Stress Management," and leads us to embrace Stress!
- Many NLP Practitioners are more sloppy with their thinking patterns, than they'd like to admit, or... would even notice.
- Watch NLP Co-Founder Richard Bandler use NLP to eliminate Michael Strahan's phobic response to snakes -- in minutes (with Kelly Ripa bringing over a BIG snake at the end to test Michael's response). Spoiler alert: It worked ridiculously well.
- No matter what skill you want to learn, no matter what fears or concerns or hesitation you may have, there are and will always be a wide range of approaches, to learning that skill. It's important to keep that in mind when making learning choices.
- Many more famous people have been trained in Ericksonian (indirect) Hypnosis and NLP than you might guess. There are certainly far more who have strong interests here than have publically admitted so.
- On January 1, 2015, Jonathan Altfeld and 20 other co-authors released a digital book entitled "Creating Business Growth."
- What are the Four Stages of Learning?
- Staci BackauskasAuthor, Tampa, FLHired Coaching : Personal Coaching
Jonathan's coaching stripped the emotion from what I was experiencing, allowing for the clarity that enabled me to make healthy choices. The positive steps that followed those choices have supported my intention to create peace in my life and afforded me the privilege of living my life as who I am, not who I told myself I was.
2007 - Oscar RodriguezHypnotherapist, Real Estate Agent, Hypnosis Washington DC,Attended Course : NLP Sales Wizardry
Hey, my name is Oscar Rodriguez, I am sitting here at the end of an amazing class by Jonathan Altfeld. There's a couple of things about Jonathan that I've liked. He's kind of a person who (Oscar meant to say DOESN'T!) makes promises that he doesn't intend to keep. And it's really cool because, the promises that he makes, are always exceeded at every event that I have been with. So he taught us the 5 step process in Sales. Not only did he go meticulously through that step, but he helped us to break it down and to focus on the areas of weaknesses we had, or how to empower or become even stronger in places that we already knew we were doing, He told us very specific events, steps, and processes that we need to do to take to go to the next level. So were my expectations met, well, of course, I already expected great things and I got blown away once again. If you're a sales person, if you're any type of hypnotherapist, any type of a process-oriented person or any type of an individual who really needs to connect with others, persuade others to really get your message across. If you're a teacher, if you're the President of the United States, and want to get re-elected, Come. Listen, get action, and you'll be able to get not only the stuff that you need, but you'll be blown away by being able to get the results. if you're in the Washington DC area, if you take this class, come and join me for a refresher of this so that you can get what you really need. Thanks Jonathan! - UstahiKosovoBought Audio : Knowledge Engineering
My life is really getting even more interesting, just now I finished listening one more piece of puzzle I've been missing - how to track beliefs. My belief about beliefs is that they're life itself. So why not learn everything about them? If you want a precise model of how to do it and get to know people's circuits then Knowledge Engineering is the course to study and put in immediate use. I'm soon going to become Telecoms/Computers engineer and Jonathans experience as AI expert really got me in a new world of possibilites. I'm thinking about how to use it in all the directions in my life. As a guaranteed side benefit from the course is also opening your ears and listening to what people tell you. I'm really finding this a true must skill one should have. I'd like to thank Jonathan for his way of putting the model and for his genuine interest in his customers.
2002 - Donna McGeorgeSpeaker, Facilitator, People with PEP,Hired Coaching : Personal Coaching
On the 2 occasions that you have coached me, I have experienced what I assumed to be metaphor sessions. I'm not totally conscious of the process or content of the sessions, yet the results I have had from both sessions are as follows: Session 1 - desired outcome - "get some focus and direction for moving forward given that I'd achieved a lot of what I set out to. What's next?". Whatever you did, my business increased by over 30% in revenues following the session. My focus changed, and I implemented the "Donna the Diva" project, which has resulted in my getting my mojo back, and being way more confident in my skin and clear about what I'm good at. This has also resulted in my "sacking" 2 clients that didn't fit my vision for myself, and for PEP. Again, I'm not sure that I'm consciously aware of what I was doing differently - all I know is that a shift happened, and the result was useful (to say the least). Session 2 - desired outcome - "I'm earning more money than I ever had, and I am swimming in debt - help?! ". Again, I know we talked about a bunch of strategies and I'm clear they also were metaphors. I think our session was about 8 weeks ago? Well, since then - I have cleared all my creditors, and have over $25K in a personal bank account (something that has NEVER happened before). Steve and I are currently shopping for property, and I'm no longer afraid to answer the phone for fear of speaking to a creditor. The physical manifestation of this is that I used to have a folder that was nearly 1.5 inches thick full of bills and accounts. It is currently about an eighth of an inch thick - and these are all less than 30 days. So - that's a pretty literal description of my results of working with you, and I am most grateful to you, and look forward to further coaching. I am happy for you to use any of the above. None of it is a secret - I tell anyone who cares to listen about the results I get following your sessions. - Kevin HillNorwich, UKBought Audio : Metaphor Machine CDs
The material is presented clearly and cleanly, the technique is deceptively simple. It seems easy to start using the technique to create useful metaphors immediately, with the exciting prospect that with practice and imagination the same technique is capable of delivering really masterful results. It is completely focused on this one technique, there is no waffle and no distraction from the desired outcome. Jonathan gives the unconscious mind a clear step by step process to understand and then works at embedding the learning unconsciously, and for me this seems to work brilliantly. It seems that when I use the step by step process (the conscious bit) the results at each step "just come to me" (the unconscious bit) and the end result just seems to work. ... Overall, I'm delighted with "The Metaphor Machine". I've got plenty of NLP stuff on my MP3 player that helps me access positive states but this material is sharply focused on one sophisticated and powerful techique and it delivers practical results immediately. By far the best example of NLP training on disc that I've come across so far.
2008 - Erol ThompsonLondon, UKAttended Course : Linguistic Wizardry
As someone relatively new to the subject of NLP I greatly appreciated the mix and range of experience available to me on the linguistic wizardry seminar. Knowledge sharing wasn't just encouraged by Jonathon, but expected as a pre-requisite to getting the most out of the course. As a result this added to the whole seminar experience from day one. Perhaps of greatest benefit to me was the way that Jonathon ensured that we learned as much during lunch breaks and evening conversations as we had learned during the day. By joining us Jonathon showed how the material could be usefully integrated in the real world - achieving shop discounts ethically, was another great bonus. During the course, the practical sessions and brain gym exercises were highly enjoyable - I've already used one or two as handy exercises to occupy the attention of boisterous nephews and nieces. It seems NLP really is 'child's play'. In general, I would like to have played around with more examples of 'state-chaining' through story telling. The Village Council sessions allowed me to see for myself how I'd benefited from the course. Personal benefits for me since the course have been in my professional and social interactions - for instance I now find it easier to model the behaviours of colleagues who have enviable influencing styles; I now see interactions as an opportunity to share stories in a more exciting way; and the quality of my presentations (and joke telling) have improved. For this I believe Jonathon should take some credit.
2006 - Alex DeeInvestor Relations Consultant, London, UKAttended Course : Belief Craft MP3 Set
"Belief Craft opens your eyes to what you already know, but didn't know how you know, as well as teaching excellent skills/tools in tracking beliefs and [SoM] persuasion techniques."
2005 - Matthew NewnhamChange Management Consultant, Edinburgh, UKAttended Course :
From my perspective, context and meaning are, if not everything, a very big slice of the cake. Jonathan Altfeld's 'Knowledge Engineering' has provided me with the tools and understanding to create contextual maps of any problem, with cause, effect AND meaning. This approach is very powerful, and allowed me to create breakthrough strategies immediately, with clarity and certainty of purpose. Beyond this, Jonathan is exceptionally wise and articulate about NLP and how to use it to effect meaningful, lasting change. He is also very approachable and generous, and a pleasure to work with.
1997 - Jorge A. ColonAttorney, Miami, FLAttended Course : NLP Practitioner Training
Jonathan Altfeld is truly dedicated to each of his students' growth and effectiveness. His integrity, patience, and kindness are a good model for trainers, managers, and parents.
1998 - Todd BaumgartnerSystems Administrator, Cincinnati, OHAttended Course : NLP Skills-Builders (course)
After attending an NLP seminar with Jonathan Altfeld, I can only use one word to describe it: amazing! Throughout the weekend, I went through a metamorphosis, leaving the cocoon of my former limited self and now knowing that I can accomplish anything I desire. My only limit now is time. I was amazed to have seen some of my limiting beliefs just fade away and snap like delicate threads. Not only did these changes take place during the seminar, but I now have the tools necessary to make other changes to any aspect of my life. I now understand that the only thing holding me back was myself! Seeing Jonathan using the skills he was teaching in real life was also a major plus. He uses everything that he is teaching all of the time. He doesn't give stop until he knows that everyone has learned what they need to know. In the past few days, since the seminar, I have developed more rapport with my family and co-workers. In the past, I would have been in a situation where meeting new people would have scared me immensely, and now, I can't wait to meet new people. My only regret is that I didn't do this sooner. If you are not living life to the fullest, then you owe it to yourself to go to one of his seminars.