USA Trainers | [USA NLP Trainers] [Int'l NLP Trainers] [NLP Info] [Self-Help] [Other Training] [Coaching Sites] [Hypnosis Sites] [EFT & Other Modalities] [Local Study Groups] [Product Sites] [Misc. Sites] [New Pending Links] [Reciprocal Link Exchange]  Richard Bandler, RichardBandler.Com What can one say about Richard Bandler? He is an exquisite & aggressive innovator. For pure installation of skills, many seem to agree: "go see Richard."
|  John & Kathleen La Valle, NLP Seminars Group Int'l, Hopatcong, NJ. This site offers articles, books & tape catalog, seminars, programs, Richard Bandler's schedule & more. John co-authored Persuasion Engineering with Richard Bandler, and co-trains many of Richard's trainings. Read our IRC chat with John on the topic of DHE™. |  Doug O'Brien, Douglas O'Brien & Associates, Brooklyn, NY. Bookmark It! Doug is one of the best around. He's a trainer of NLP, a certified Hypnotherapist, & was a Master Trainer for Robbins Research International. Doug's Ericksonian Hypnosis trainings, Practitioner trainings, "Sleight of Mouth" & other CDs all get top marks! Also, I've had the pleasure of co-training a range of offerings with Doug over the past 5 years. He's top-notch! |  Steven Leeds & Rachel Hott, NLP Center of New York, NY, NY Steven & Rachel established the NLP Center of New York in 1986. They run all levels of training in NLP, Ericksonian Hypnosis, & Core Transformation®. They also do individual & couple NLP psychotherapy. Plus, they have an attractive & intuitive site, redesigned in '02. Go visit. |  Genie Laborde, Int'l Dialogue Education Associates, Palo Alto, CA. Genie Z. Laborde runs "Influencing With Integrity" seminars both directly to the public & through IBM Education. Genie's also authored several books. New parents may want her short NLP & Child Development video for Potty Training! |  Tom Dotz, President, NLP Comprehensive, Boulder, CO. One of the oldest training companies, founded by Steve & Connierae Andreas. The site shows their schedule, list of trainers, articles, and has an extensive tape/bookstore. |  Susan Stageman, NLP Training Concepts, Dallas, TX Susan Stageman has been training NLP since 1989 and also conducts classes in stress reduction, identity work and is a Certified Challenge Course Instructor (Ropes). In addition to her classes at NLP Training Concepts, Susan conducts classes on NLP at Southern Methodist University (SMU). |
UK TrainersBack to Top | [USA NLP Trainers] [Int'l NLP Trainers] [NLP Info] [Self-Help] [Other Training] [Coaching Sites] [Hypnosis Sites] [EFT & Other Modalities] [Local Study Groups] [Product Sites] [Misc. Sites] [New Pending Links] [Reciprocal Link Exchange]  Michael Beale PPI (Business Growth & NLP) in Milton Keynes, UK. Michael is one of my students, friends, and quite a trainer in his own right. His focus is primarily on the application/use of top-notch NLP training methodology to/in Business trainings. Visit his website and learn about Michael's work.
|  Jamie Smart Salad in Leicester UK. I highly encourage you to subscribe to Jamie Smart's great 'Free NLP Tips' Newsletter. Outstanding stuff! Jamie's a very well-rounded NLP trainer who's trained extensively with Richard Bandler. Jamie's also attended most of my courses in the UK as well, more recently as a welcome guest. Due to his insightful mind, his disarming charm, as well as his elegant and economical tongue, he gets my full unwavering recommendation. You can't go wrong with Jamie! |  Andy Smith Coaching Leaders in Manchester, England. Andy runs a successful coaching and training business in Manchester and regularly runs a wide range of NLP & related courses there. If his name sounds familiar to London residents, it's because he built up the Richmond NLP Group before moving to Manchester. I've had the fortune of doing business with Andy and am thoroughly impressed with both his business acumen AND his training style. He gets my top recommendation -- go see him! |  Jeff Goodwin NLP Scotland in Glasgow, Scotland Go check out Jeff Goodwin's site for NLP Training, Coaching, NLP for dyslexia, and more. Jeff's a close personal friend and an insightful and experienced trainer. Go see him! (He happens to also be a gifted web SEO wizard, too!) |  Michael Breen Michael Breen NLP, in London, England Michael Breen heads MBNLP, a training, coaching and consultancy company delivering courses to individuals and companies worldwide. He is well known for his work with Richard Bandler and Paul McKenna, revolutionising the design and delivery of NLP training in the UK. |  Owen Fitzpatrick Irish Institute of NLP in Dublin, Ireland. Owen runs a variety of trainings and also promotes trainings with world-class headliner trainers including Richard Bandler & John La Valle. Go visit! |  Peta Heskell The Flirtzone in London, UK! Peta Heskell's awesome Flirting website & increasingly popular trainings in the UK are taking off! Visit her site & learn to flirt with abandon & NLP, too! |  Charles Moore Generative Change Technologies in London, UK. As a specialist in Profound Relaxation, Charles Moore uses the Mythogenic Self Process, a unique approach to NLP to enable you to make powerful changes in your life. |
Recommended Australian TrainersBack to Top | [USA NLP Trainers] [Int'l NLP Trainers] [NLP Info] [Self-Help] [Other Training] [Coaching Sites] [Hypnosis Sites] [EFT & Other Modalities] [Local Study Groups] [Product Sites] [Misc. Sites] [New Pending Links] [Reciprocal Link Exchange]  Mark Spencer & Sonya Yeh Blue Sky Transformation, in Brisbane, QLD, Australia Mark and Sonya are my top choice for NLP training and coaching in Brisbane.
|  James Tsakalos Developing Magic, in Melbourne, VIC, Australia Come check out the website for one of the most intuitive and gifted trainers I've ever met. James is not only a close friend, he is (at the time I've written this link) the only person on the planet I've authorized to train my Knowledge Engineering material -- with my stamp of approval. This is a guy who truly gets it. |  Chris & Jules Collingwood Inspiritive, in Sydney, NSW, Australia Visit Inspiritive's website for NLP information, products & training in Sydney, Australia. |  Roger Deaner Leader Vision, Pty, in Melbourne, VIC, Australia I had the pleasure of meeting Roger (and his better-half Carolyn) in July 2005 and have heard ample comments about how Roger is not only amazing at training NLP in general, but also how uniquely gifted he is at training Spiral Dynamics. They're really good people. So go visit their site & give them a call! |
 [USA NLP Trainers] [Int'l NLP Trainers] [NLP Info] [Self-Help] [Other Training] [Coaching Sites] [Hypnosis Sites] [EFT & Other Modalities] [Local Study Groups] [Product Sites] [Misc. Sites] [New Pending Links] [Reciprocal Link Exchange] 
Other Int'l TrainersBack to Top |  Steve Boyley, Performance Institute of NLP, in Prince George, BC Canada Bookmark It! I've known Steve since 1997, and he's been very actively doing trainings since starting his business. He's getting great reviews. Check him out & see if he's got any seminars planned for your area! |  Michael Kold, NLP Europe, based in Copenhagen. Michael Kold runs this institute (& really well-organized website shown only in Danish). Since I don't speak Danish, I can't tell you about the content of the site(!), but we know Michael personally, and if his website is any reflection of his personality, you can expect friendliness, non-judgemental behavior, excellent critical thinking, and a profound love of learning about people, of teaching, and of helping facilitate and enable change. If you're in or near Denmark, I strongly recommend you get to know Michael and his team. |  Roger Ellerton PhD, ISP, CMC, Renewal Technologies in Canada. NLP training and coaching in Ottawa, Canada delivered by certified NLP trainers. Sign-up for our free newsletter and view NLP articles. |  Tony Beerden, Alcobe, in France. Training, counseling & development : NLP and Ericksonian Hypnosis & their applications: addictions, psychosomatic, personal development. |  Ted VanderNoot, Cognitrix in London, UK Ted's actually bringing NLP to 'traditional' education environments through his specialized seminars aimed at educators. Go visit & celebrate Ted's activities to do something of critical importance to improve the usefulness & results of a 'formal education.' |
 [USA NLP Trainers] [Int'l NLP Trainers] [NLP Info] [Self-Help] [Other Training] [Coaching Sites] [Hypnosis Sites] [EFT & Other Modalities] [Local Study Groups] [Product Sites] [Misc. Sites] [New Pending Links] [Reciprocal Link Exchange] 
NLP InformationBack to Top |  NLP Practitioners Directory Database International NLP-Practitioners.com NLP Database Directory lists NLP Practitioners and training organization by state, province and country. Site features New Practitioner Resources, interactive eye access cues game and more... |  NLP Connections Chris Morris has developed this site into one of the larger places to link up with and communicate with other NLP enthusiasts around the globe. |  Directory of NLP Resources A resource list of trainers, coaches, educators, health professionals, therapists and counsellors who use NLP as part of their practice. |  Michael Beale's 'NLP in Business' site. Michael's site may be based in the UK, but I think you'll find it's globally relevant to all of us actively interested in using NLP within business contexts. Go, visit & learn! |  David Gould's Hypnosis & NLP information site. Dave's based in Bristol, UK. I invite Dave to assist at all my NLP trainings in the UK, because I think he's got really unique insights & has a brilliant tendency to think outside the box. Go get a taste of that for yourselves...! |  The NLP Information Center Another Excellent site |  Blind Dog's Adventures! Quentin Grady's website most notably offers a collection of some of his wonderful NLP newsgroup posts. Quentin's a widely-read contributor to the Usenet Newsgroup alt.psychology.nlp. I'm pleased to suggest you visit & Bookmark his site & enrich your mind with his wit, skill, humor & intelligence. |  The Resource Page for NLP and Neurology Andrew Austin's very informative site is filling up with excellent & well-grounded articles connecting NLP with Neuroscience. Go visit & explore! |  Informativo de PNL (In Portuguese) Visit this general information server on NLP in Brazil, authored by Maria Helena Lorentz. |  Guided tour of NLP Stefan Larsson put together this nice selection of links, which I think is especially helpful for beginners who want a quick start to exploring online NLP resources! |  Dale Kirby's NLP Frequently Asked Questions FAQ for Alt.Psychology.NLP, and a lot of other cool stuff! Check this site out! |  Honest Abe's NLP Emporium Andy Bradbury's plethora of terrific NLP Book Reviews & links! |
 [USA NLP Trainers] [Int'l NLP Trainers] [NLP Info] [Self-Help] [Other Training] [Coaching Sites] [Hypnosis Sites] [EFT & Other Modalities] [Local Study Groups] [Product Sites] [Misc. Sites] [New Pending Links] [Reciprocal Link Exchange] 
Public SpeakingBack to Top | |
Self-Help SitesBack to Top |  Books for Everyone , Ebooks for everyone. From Rocket Scientists to Dummies. From budding marketeers and entrepeneurs to through to medical students and gardeners. |  Evan Carmichael , The Internet's #1 resource for small business motivation and strategies. This site is a terrific collection of relevant, related articles -- all solid gold! Naturally, our articles appear there as well! |  Training-Classes.Com , Visit this excellent directory for training providers of all kinds, and the events and services they offer! |  Beyond Bedroom Guitar , My friend Spencer Westwood in London has put together a great system for learning how to play guitar, using NLP! The world is hungry for more useful applications of NLP -- and so should you be as well! Go check out Spencer's e-book and get yourself a copy! |  Self-Improvement Online , Excellent all-around Self-Improvement site. Check out David & Michelle Riklan's popular subscription email newsletter. |  New-Age Online Australia , Great site for a variety of information on new-age activities & practitioners in Australia & New Zealand. |  Natural Health Web , This site is one of the most complete online guides for Natural Health & Alternative Medicine, and offers an organized directory, articles, free Newsletters & descriptions of relevant natural/alternative health sites. Bookmark it!  Subconscious mind. Selfgrowth4ever.com is about growing whilst dreaming and making our dreams come true. It is about life, love, energy, success, meditation, friendship, family, serving, sharing, smiling and so much more. |
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Other Training SitesBack to Top |  The Tao of Love, Sexual Health, & Healing , Uta Demontis helps women, men and couples who want to enhance their sex life / overcome sexual difficulties, and bring the sacred / spirituality into their sex life. She does this through Information, Educational Workshops, and Coaching. While based in London, she also works via phone & web. She also happens to be an NLP Master Practitioner! |
 [USA NLP Trainers] [Int'l NLP Trainers] [NLP Info] [Self-Help] [Other Training] [Coaching Sites] [Hypnosis Sites] [EFT & Other Modalities] [Local Study Groups] [Product Sites] [Misc. Sites] [New Pending Links] [Reciprocal Link Exchange] 
Coaching SitesBack to Top | If you would like to exchange reciprocal links, let us know! |  The Relationship People , My close friends Nigel and Jenny Heath have created this fabulous company dedicated to helping people around the world build more loving and rewarding relationships. Now this is work worth celebrating! |  Your Changing Direction , Jen Waller's Coaching site & Blog (based in Manchester UK, but Jen works with people all over the place!). Jen's trained with the best of the best, undergone extensive coaching herself with many coaches, and as such has distilled and evolved her own skillset like few people can or ever do. She also seems to be focusing on being a catalyst for getting people UN-stuck, and building high levels of confidence. I know Jen personally and can highly recommend her. |  Nadia Harper , Go check out Nadia Harper's website for NLP Coaching & Training. Nadia's also got an interesting written blog, and a video blog on relationships as well. |  Michael Roach , Meet Michael Roach, a particularly effective coach based in the UK. Michael's training background is second to none; Michael was a valuable and skilled assistant for a number of years at my UK trainings. He's also a skilled facilitator in the Mythoself® Process created by Joseph Riggio. |  Executive Coaching Network , Michael Beale's new Executive Coaching network based in the UK, has a growing list of Executive Coaches that can meet your needs and exceed your expectations. Look for some familiar faces there sometime soon... |  Revealed Resources , My very good friend Rashid Kotwal in Sydney Australia created this site for his burgeoning coaching business. Some coaches come & go, some never acquire a real following. Rashid is professional, dynamic, organized, interesting, insightful, concise, and most of all, he's following his bliss for alllll the right reasons. Do I need to mention he's a licensed NLP trainer, too? If you need a coach, contact him! |  Creating InSight , William Barron is a Business Life Coach helping people lead better lives, with less stress. Having already achieved success in his coaching business, William's also one of our 'Knowledge Engineering & NLP' course graduates. |  Spicer-Ameldian , Laura Spicer's Coaching website in the UK. Covers two primary areas of service: Her Voice Coaching service SOUND PRACTISE, and her high performance coaching service 'EXPRESS EXCELLENCE.' As we both find voice coaching to be so important, if you're in the UK, check into Laura's work pronto! |  Inner Depths , Visit Inner Depths for Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy, Counselling, NLP, EFT & Life Coaching in the Greater Manchester, Cheshire & Lancashire areas. |  Toni Mackenzie , Corporate Wellness Programmes Employee Wellbeing, Stress Management Seminars, Self Development Workshops and Training Courses with Corporate Wellness Consultant Toni Mackenzie. |  Village Counseling , Visit Michael Spandel's "Village Counseling & Wellness" Blog! |  Your coaching link here , We will be happy to list established Coaching sites in this section. |
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Hypnosis SitesBack to Top |  Ericksonian.Info, Doug O'Brien's excellent site dedicated to the celebration and study of the work of Milton H. Erickson. Doug's attracted a "star-studded" list of fabulous contributors, a "who's who" in the Ericksonian Hypnotherapy world. Subscribe to their newsletter for great content! |  HypnoThoughts Free Online Hypnosis Community, This has rapidly emerged as the most active hypnosis community website in the world. This is THE place to go for hypnosis/hypnotherapy info, including the home of the Global Hypnosis E-Summit. |  Melissa Tiers' Center for Integrative Hypnosis, Melissa offers classes in Classical & Ericksonian Hypnosis, In-Depth NLP, Energy Psychology & Mental Health Coaching. Her course in Integrative Life Coaching is endorsed by the Int'l Association of Counselors & Therapists. |  Seth-Deborah Roth's Hypnotherapy For Health, This is the place to go for Medical Hypnosis as a client or to get certified in this specialty. Over 40 years of experience in the medical field as well as a hypnosis instructor is what sets this hypnosis practice apart from the others. |  Greg Turner's San Francisco Bay Hypnosis Center, My friend Greg Turner runs this Center. Greg's a skilled & knowledgeable pro; I've known him for years, & he's top-notch. He works in the SF Bay area, & also does sessions via phone/net. Make a good decision; contact him! |  Richard Nongard TV - Free Hypnosis Training & Discussion, My friend Richard Nongard has a range of Hypnosis websites; this is a great entry & intro to his various offerings. |  Exploring Trance - Adventures in Hypnosis , Joseph Kao explores the different states of consciousness we all have within us, & how you can use these states to enrich your life. On this site, you'll find a series of unique hypnosis MP3s, articles & recommended resources! Enjoy! |  Hypnosis Silver Spring , Donald Pelles runs this Hypnosis and NLP site based in Silver Spring Maryland. But you don't have to be local to him to enjoy his blog, articles, and variety of topical information! |  Just Be Well, London UK , Visit this site by Steve Troman, a Hypnotherapist & Licensed NLP Trainer. This is a clean & organized site with good info on how hypnosis can improve a variety of conditions. Contact Steve if you're in/near London and would like to pursue Hypnosis sessions. |  Head-Cleaners Hypnosis Audio Cassettes , Hypnotic trances by a clinical psychologist to foster strengths, relax & cleanse you of specific anxieties, sleeplessness, pain &/or difficulties. |
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EFT & Other Modalities SitesBack to Top |  Tania A. Prince , Tania Prince's site for EFT & TAT, NLP & Hypnosis, Courses and Therapy. |
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Study Group LinksBack to Top |  NLP Cafe Brisbane, Brisbane Australia , NLP Cafe Brisbane is an NLP practice group, aimed at helping NLP Professionals to advance their skills. This group was established by Blue-Sky Transformation as part of their "Sustainable Success through Community Contribution" initiative and is an outpost program of NLP Comprehensive. Members meet twice a month to learn, practice and develop their NLP skills and applications, using New code, classic code and very up to date processes from all over the world. |  South UK NLP Group, Southampton, England , Nigel and Jenny Heath have run this outstanding NLP study group for years, and has hosted some of the world's top trainers for a range of speaking engagements. They're great friends of mine and I highly recommend them! |  ANLP (UK) Practice Groups. , Association for NLP Practice Groups in the United Kingdom. This page shows a surprising # of periodic meetings for NLP related activities. |
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Product Resource SitesBack to Top | |
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Misc. LinksBack to Top |  Top Affiliate |  Affiliate Scout |  Body Mind Spirit Directory | 
About People , Go visit Michael Lovas & Pam Holloway's site! Michael's the author of Beyond Wave Marketing. Go visit his site, and get yourself a copy today! |  Mike DeBusk's Reality-Tunnel , Mike DeBusk's website contains some great NLP ideas amongst a host of other goodies. Go visit with Mike, he's a student, a friend, and one of the nicest guys you'll ever have the privilege to meet! In particular, check out his writings on using NLP to handle/dissipate potentially violent situations. |  LearnQuick.Com , Herb Martin's 1-week Accelerated MSCE training website: All SIX exams to complete the WinNT 4.0 MCSE Track; Herb teaches the PRODUCTS, not just the tests! In the MSCE world, Herb's a celeb and an authority. Go see him! |
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New & Pending LinksBack to Top |  If we initiated a request to exchange links, this is where we'll publish temporary links to your site. Links will not remain here indefinitely. Your link here will either be moved to a more prominent location and clearer category once a link back to our site is reciprocated, or it will be removed. If your link does not read the way you want it to, or does not point to the optimal page, that's no problem. fill out our "Contact Us" page or email us back with your preferences. All reasonable adjustments will be honored (we're not promising full editorial control, just as we wouldn't expect it on your site!) |  Clean Language The centre for Symbolic Modelling, Clean Language and the work of David Grove. |  The South Central Institute of NLP Sid Jacobson is an author and expert on NLP in education, in business, and on more effective writing skills. While based in Metairie, Louisiana, Sid consults and runs courses around the globe. I had the pleasure of meeting him one evening while we were both training in London! |  Hypnotherapy DVDs & MP3 Powerful DVDs and MP3s for building self confidence and self esteem, breaking a habit, cure a fear and changing the way you think about yourself. |  Your Link Here , Your Description Here. |
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Reciprocal LinksBack to Top | On Sharing Reciprocal Links:We are always seeking to establish reciprocal links with other high-quality established (i.e., content filled) & informative websites. Reciprocity is a 2-way street, indefinitely. As there has recently been a disturbing and short-sighted trend of site owners removing (or burying) their reciprocal links pages, ongoing reciprocity will now be validated at least quarterly. If we find your backlink to us has gone away, your link will first be removed from this page, then we will contact you to ask if there's been a mistake and if you'd like to re-establish reciprocity. |  Here's how to link back to us and then request a reciprocal link to your site: Copy this text (or something similar) into your html page: To Request your reciprocal link, paste the above (or something similar) into your Links page, upload/publish it, and then fill out our "Contact Us" page. Remember to notify us of where we can find your backlink to our site! 
FYI: The above link code will appear as follows: (no box or blue tint!) Visit the Mastery InSight Institute for Jonathan Altfeld's NLP Training offerings. Innovative NLP Trainer Jonathan Altfeld delivers a range of applied NLP courses, a number of popular NLP home-study materials, a huge library of online NLP chat transcripts & articles, and an interactive NLP blog as well. Bookmark this excellent resource! |